Early Files

100 years ago May 10, 1922 Miss Ida Anetta Fenney, one of Worth County’s most popular girls and competent school teachers, was united in wedlock to Mr. Martin Roisen on May 6 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fenney, southwest of Northwood. Rev. Carl Ylvisaker of the Northwood...
100 years ago May 3, 1922 Mrs. Martha Lilly was the recipient of a genuine surprise party, the occasion being her 81st birthday. Her sisters, Mrs. Julis Cole and Mrs. Nellie Wilcox, came from Ames to attend the happy event, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Wagner, where the aged...
100 years ago April 26, 1922 It is rumored that Mr. Raymond Bjorgo and Miss Pearl Thoen, of this city, were married in Des Moines. Both are former residents of Kensett, Miss Then having recently made her home in Northwood, being a daughter of county auditor Thoen. Bjorgo is employed in Des Moines...
100 years ago April 19, 1922 With the going of the frost from the ground and warm spring days appearing the spirit of improvement seems to be taking possession of many. Among the proposed improvements will be: James Mowers- excavating for a new home on farm southeast of town; H.P. Stein, a new...
100 years ago April 12, 1922 At the morning service Sunday Rev. Alexander Robertson presented his resignation as pastor to the members of his congregation, the Baptist church of Northwood. Rev. Robertson and his splendid family will be sadly missed by not only his congregation but by the entire...
100 years ago April 5, 1922 Thirty-five members of Wm. T. Smith Post American Legion of Northwood drove to Manly and helped in the formation of a county Legion organization. They were guests of the Edward Tosel Post of Manly. R.H. Whitcomb and C.F. Trustem have rented the Vert Butler building on...
100 years ago March 29, 1922 The Olsen Studio on west Main Street has undergone a number of changes of the interior during the past few weeks and it now affords more commodious and convenient quarters. In connection with the studio, which is conducted by Mr. Olsen, Mrs. Olsen will operate a small...
100 years ago March 22, 1922 The extreme softness of the dirt filling in the sewer ditches that were excavated last fall has caused several automobile drivers to undergo a period of trouble. Even the horses were having trouble. One of George Scofield’s horses slipped into a ditch while dragging...
100 years ago March 15, 1922 A reorganization of departments of the Schanke Company at Mason City place two Northwood men in more responsible positions. The territory for sales is divided into two divisions, one called the Eastern division, which will be under the supervision of Mr. H.A. Dwelle,...
100 years ago March 8, 1922 The high school basketball team closed the season in a rush by winning two games. The Friday previous they beat Manly by the one-sided score of 28 to 12. On Tuesday evening Clear Lake was beaten on the local floor 18 to 14 with Lande out of the lineup. Wednesday evening...


Northwood Anchor

PO Box 107
Northwood, IA 50459

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