Early Files

100 years ago November 26, 1924 Dr. J.R. Jones, coming north, and County Agent B.W. Lodwick, going south, north driving at moderate speed, collided north of Manly Thursday evening after dark. Both cars were considerably damaged. Bright lights were assigned as cause of the accident. The N.H.S....
100 years ago November 19, 1924 E.D. Wright, who for several years has owned and managed the Evergreen Dairy located on his farm adjoining Northwood on the east, has sold the business to the Atwood Stock Farm Co., The new owners will take over all the physical equipment expect the cows and will...
100 years ago November 12, 1924 The new Shell Rock Synod church on East Central avenue was the scene of quite a large gathering last Sunday when corner stone exercises were held. A number of visitors were present from a distance. The members of the congregation are justly proud of their new church...
100 years ago November 5, 1924 “Grieg” the men’s chorus of Silver Lake, reports a most enjoyable trip to Thor, Iowa, last Sunday when the singers took part in a splendid program given under the auspices of the Teachers Association of the Iowa District of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America....
100 years ago October 22, 1924 The 25th anniversary of Northern Light Chapter No. 262, Order of the Eastern Star, was held at the Masonic Temple in Northwood Monday evening of this week. Invited guests were present from Manly, Mason City, Albert Lea and other places. The patrons of the Hartland...
100 years ago October 15, 1924 Believing that the only way to do the most effective work and to get the best results the Worth County Farm Bureau has been like other counties in the state, meeting in the fall and planning their program of work for the coming year. Hon. Gilbert N. Haugen returned...
100 years ago October 8, 1924 The first football game of the season for Northwood High was played on the home field last Friday when Lake Mills was defeated 27-0. A LaFollette- Wheeler meeting held at the Northwood Theatre last evening attracted an audience that filled the theatre. S.R. Torgeson...
100 years ago October 1, 1924 N.T. Kjerland, aged 97 years, seven months and 15 days, probably the oldest person in Worth County, died in his home in southeast Northwood last Friday morning at four o’clock. Mrs. Mary Stratton, North Iowa’s pretty fortune teller under the name of Madame Bell and...
100 years ago September 24, 1924 The coroner’s inquest after the death of Adee Stratton in Cerro Gordo county last week developed that general tuberculosis was the cause of the former Manly man’s demise. Tuesday night, September 23, a number of businessmen and farmers of this vicinity gathered at...
100 years ago September 17, 1924 Wednesday, the opening date of the Worth County Fair, developed into a gloomy, chilly, showery day shortly before noon and probably hindered some entries which would otherwise have come to the exhibition. This was not the case with livestock, however, as the...


Northwood Anchor

PO Box 107
Northwood, IA 50459

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