Early Files
100 years ago
November 10, 1920
The closing of the second week of the Union Evangelistic campaign and the interest in the meetings is growing steadily, in spite of the roads and the bad weather. Mr. Aldrich gave his lecture-sermon on “God, Home and Country” which was a masterpiece and made a...
100 years ago
November 3, 1920
All indication today (Wednesday), as the Anchor is made ready to print, are that America has gone Republican again with the triumphant election of Harding and Coolidge and the repudiation of the Democratic administration, which, for eight years, had control of the...
100 years ago
October 27, 1920
Mrs. Edith Thompto was hostess to a few young people at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Schmidt. Cards furnished the principal entertainment for a pleasant evening.
Misses Agnes and Myrtle Hogan, south of town, were visitors at the parental home. They...
100 years ago
October 20, 1920
The marriage of Miss Nona Ruth Thompson to Leslie R. Whipple, head of the insurance department of the Beck-Walker Company, at Mason City, took place at 10 a.m. at the home of the groom’s parents at Northwood, the Rev. Robertson of the First Baptist church,...
100 years ago
October 13, 1920
L.T. Dillon and C.H. Dwelle drove to Waterloo in Mr. Dillon’s auto, the former to play with the El Kahir Shrine band of Cedar Rapids at a ceremonial session at Waterloo, and the latter to take part in the festivities as one of the candidates. As usual, all present...
100 years ago
October 6, 1920
At the Farm Bureau conference held at Mason City on September 29, when 12 counties were represented, it was unanimously agreed to recommend that a uniform rate for corn husking be placed at 6 cents with elevator and 7 cents without, and down corn to be bargained for...
100 years ago
September 29, 1920
Had you thought that Northwood had only 1597 inhabitants? Hadn’t you been answering inquiries as to the population by an off hand guess of from 1800 to 2,000? Well you have all been wrong if you guessed that way. The official figure just given out by the Census...
100 years ago
September 22, 1920
Clarence Plowman of the class of 1920, is the new employee of E.N. Klove to take the place of John Stehn, who is studying at Grinnell College.
Miss Eva Keller left for Havre, Montana, for a few weeks’ visit in the home of her friend, Mrs. A.E. Lee, formerly Miss...
100 years ago
September 15, 1920
About 200 persons were present on Friday evening at the reception tendered for the new teachers of the Northwood schools. The reception was held in the high school building and was enjoyable to all. T.S. Hanson led in a community sing and short talks were made by...
100 years ago
September 8, 1920
One of the airplanes used in the stunts performed by Al Wilson, the aviator acrobat, who appeared at the Iowa State Fair, was landed on the Fred Sandman farm north of town. The man driving the machine stated that the rain clouds were so dark that he could not see to...