Early Files

100 years ago May 12, 1920 Six boys and 16 girls make up the 1920 graduating class of the Northwood high school and this class of 22 will receive  diplomas on May 27 when the commencement exercises will be held at Dwelle Hall. The program for that time has not yet been completed but will include a...
100 years ago May 7, 1920 Two old pioneers have passed away—Mrs. Matt Farmer’s funeral was held at her home on west Main Street. The Rev. W.A. Hanscom conducted the service. And great was the surprise when it was learned that Comrade John Wroten died at his daughter’s home at Taylor Falls. The...
100 years ago April 28, 1920 The banks of Northwood have installed a new protection for use in case a daylight holdup is attempted. The system is known as the silent alarm. The alarm sounds in a way that is not heard in the bank but rings in several places in the city where sentries are placed...
100 years ago April 21, 1920 Every voting precinct in Worth County except Barton Township was represented at the Republican county convention held at the court house in Northwood. Among the delegates were three women from Lincoln Township, two from Kensett, two from Northwood and one from Fertile...
100 years ago April 14, 1920 Fire that evidently caught from stray sparks of burning grass and rubbish caused the destruction of the Shell Rock Lutheran Church, one mile west of Northwood. Some of the men of the church who had been appointed a committee to clean up the premises had been burning...
100 years ago April 7, 1920 The old city administration stepped down and out and the new stepped in, the utmost harmony prevailing on all sides. G.E. Whitcomb, the retiring mayor, briefly addressed the new and old bodies, as did also the new mayor, E.M. Sabin. Worth County now has another...
100 years ago March 31, 1920 Reports that the $40,000 in Liberty bonds and war savings stamps that were stolen from the Citizens Savings Bank at Hanlontown last October, were among papers found by farmers at LaPorte City, Iowa, are erroneous. Although papers of great value in the form of...
100 years ago March 24, 1920 The Northwood High School basketball team made a good record for themselves against Vail, Manchester and Fort Madison by scores of 17 to 6, 8 to 5 and 10 to 9 respectively. On Friday Oskaloosa eliminated them by a score of 29 to 11. James Hungerford and Bernice...
100 years ago March 17, 1920 Those who witnessed Checkers at the Dwelle Hall last Thursday and Friday evenings are loud in their praises of the good show Manager Haight gave in the face of difficulties brought about by the recent fire which drove him from the Slosson Theatre. A fire-proof booth...
100 years ago March 3, 1920 Last fall a number of local men got together and purchased 91 acres of land known as the Van Houdt farm near Medford, Minnesota, and 140 acres west of Medford known as the Taylor farm. Upon investigating, they found they had an excellent sand and gravel proposition and...


Northwood Anchor

PO Box 107
Northwood, IA 50459

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