Early Files

100 years ago December 12, 1923 Gordonsville is to have an electric light plant, D.L. Boltan having purchased a large Delco plant and having signed up several houses and store buildings for the “juice.” The plant will be located in the building on the corner opposite the bank. At the annual...
Dear Savvy Senior, Can you explain to me how the retirement saver’s tax credit works? My wife and I are in our fifties and are looking for creative ways to boost our retirement savings beyond our 401(k). Is this something we may be eligible for? Struggling to Save Dear Struggling, If your income...
100 years ago December 5, 1923 Otto Buth and his crew of travelers have been doing some excellent work on the Imperial Highway, west of Northwood. When the work started last month it was expected that only part of the new construction would be finished on account of the funds running out, but the...
100 years ago November 28, 1923 George Underwood and James F. Peterson of Stacyville, have rented the A.A. Thompto garage and taken possession. They are experienced automobile men, it is said, and will have the agency for the Studebaker car. The usual large crowd attended the High School...
100 years ago November 21, 1923 The little Welch pony belonging to the two Groe boys died one day last week after a short illness from the effects of flu and distemper. Mr. Groe had purchased the pony only a month before and all the little boys in the neighborhood are mourning with the Groe boys...
100 years ago November 14, 1923 The members of the Northwood Boy Scouts and their mothers gave a 15 cent oyster supper in the Baptist Church dining room Wednesday evening, the guests being the boys who do not yet belong to the organization. School Superintendent B.E. Beard and officers of the...
100 years ago November 7, 1923 Mrs. Harry Douglas, after two strenuous nights as a member of the home talent cast of “Back to the Farm,” left on the 3 a.m. Rock Island train for Des Moines, where she appeared as one of the speakers in the Home Economics department of the Iowa State Teachers’...
100 years ago October 31, 1923 Dr. O.L. Aurdal, aged 76 years, at one time a veterinary practitioner of Northwood, died suddenly Monday evening at the home of his nephew, L.A. Aurdal, in Deer Creek Township, where he had been making his home for the past two years. From the Manly Signal: The...
100 years ago October 24, 1923 The comedy drama, “Back to the Farm” will be presented by the Grove Township Farm Bureau, at the Northwood Theatre. For some time the members of the cast, under the direction of D.L. Carey, have been working hard at rehearsals. Golfers of Northwood are now intensely...
100 years ago October 17, 1923 A.R. Trenda, of Mason City, was in Northwood arranging to move here having rented the basement of the Thompson building in which to conduct a tailoring and pressing establishment. Mr. Trenda is a pleasant appearing young man and is a son-in-law of K.A. Mostrom of...


Northwood Anchor

PO Box 107
Northwood, IA 50459

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