Early Files
100 years ago
August 8, 1923
Mrs. H.H. Douglass returned on the early train from Chicago where she had been for a week attending the 16th annual meeting of the American Home Economies Assn., in session last week.
The firm of Thompto & Heiny, which has been a partnership since 1911, was...
100 years ago
August 1, 1923
The C.D. Cottingham, D.M. Coffman, F.R. Lyford and A.H. Patterson families picnicked at Clear Lake Sunday. They returned in the evening, bringing home with them Mabel Cottingham, Harold Lyford and Daniel Coffman, who had been spending the week there attending the...
100 years ago
July 25, 1923
At the home of Mrs. Carl T. Rone a number of demonstrations were given the Kensett Township women July 14 as follows: Mrs. F. Carter demonstrated her dress form; Mrs. Glen Scott, an ex-milliner, ably showed how to make braid hats; Mrs. Widen told how to make Swiss...
100 years ago
July 18, 1923
The latest forward move of the farmers co-operative organizations in Northwood is the purchase by the Northwood Co-Operative Livestock Shipping Assn. of the stock yards formerly owned by the Thomson Elevator Co. The newly acquired yards will facilitate both the grain...
100 years ago
July 11, 1923
W.H. Pixley, living north of town, was quite seriously injured when he fell 14 feet from a plank running across the top of the haymow to the hard road below. Mr. Pixley struck on his feet, splitting the large bone in his right leg and driving the bones of his foot up...
100 years ago
July 6, 1923
Comrade M.S. Perkins was 77 years of age last Friday and his children who reside in this vicinity, aided by their mother, fixed up a surprise party. The planning of the surprise was largely owing to the activities of a daughter from North Dakota, who was here for the...
100 years ago
June 27, 1923
The first county Farm Bureau meeting for Grove Township was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swensrud, northeast of town, and was a great success. The grounds were illuminated by the Carey Electric Co. The Farm Bureau moving picture machine was there and instructive...
100 years ago
June 20, 1923
Miss Stella Swensrud, Mrs. Nettie Thomson, Miss Lola Thomson and Miss Eldora Vold are planning a two months’ trip through the west leaving the last of this month. They will stop off at several noted places, including Denver, Salt Lake City and Colorado Springs and will...
100 years ago
June 13, 1923
Many of the older residents of Worth County who remember Hans Langseth when he lived at Kensett will be interested in the following: Fargo, North Dakota, June 9 — from far and wide people came to attend the wedding of Hans Langseth and Martha Hagen, and to see the 17-...
100 years ago
June 6, 1923
For the first time in years the annual meeting of the Farmer’s Elevator, held in the Worth County Courthouse at Northwood, was attended by a majority of stockholders. The following officers and directors were elected for the coming year: H.H. Douglass, president; E.E....